



Open Access Article

Advances in International Computer Science. 2022; 2: (4) ; 6-10 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aics.20220057.

A neural network recommender algorithm based on bidirectional graph attention

作者: 宁辉 *, 王荣胜, 杨鹏伟

河南理工大学 河南焦作

澳门理工大学 中国澳门

广州大学 广东广州

*通讯作者: 宁辉,单位:河南理工大学 河南焦作;

发布时间: 2022-11-29 总浏览量: 499



关键词: 双向嵌入;注意力机制;知识图谱;推荐


Comparing with the traditional neural network, the neural network based on knowledge graph (KG) takes the graph as the input in the recommender system, which can combine the node information and topology for prediction. However, the existing methods rarely consider the symmetry relationship in KG and the disappearance of the gradient. A Neural Network Recommender Algorithm Based on Bidirectional Graph Attention (BGANR) is proposed. Firstly, the graph neural network with the symmetrical attention mechanism and the bidirectional translation model are combined to embed the KG information. Then, the dynamic activation function is used to avoid increasing of calculation and overfitting. Empirical results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

Key words: Bidirectional embedding; Attention mechanism; Knowledge graph; Recommender

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宁辉, 王荣胜, 杨鹏伟, 一种基于双向注意力的知识图谱神经网络推荐[J]. 国际计算机科学进展, 2022; 2: (4) : 6-10.